The Grand virtual tour of cultural heritage launched by Mibact includes the National Archaeological Park of Altamura site, created by ITC-CNR in the ViSTA project

The Grand virtual tour of cultural heritage launched by Mibact includes the National Archaeological Park of Altamura site, created by ITC-CNR in the ViSTA project

Within the “Art you ready?” campaign, aimed at keeping the attention high on the national cultural heritage also in the Covid19 lockdown days, for the traditional “Domenicalmuseo” initiative, which normally provides free admission to state cultural places, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities launched the “Grand virtual tour” of the Italian cultural heritage, offering virtual tours in theatres, archives, museums and libraries, expressly collected on the Ministry website

The list includes the virtual tour of the National Archaeological Museum of Altamura, created by ITC-CNR as part of the ViSTA project, funded by the Puglia Region within the POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020, call INNOLABS “Aiuti a sostegno alla creazione di soluzioni innovative finalizzate a specifici problemi di rilevanza sociale”.

The ViSTA project envisages an integrated technological system for the virtual and social touring of the artistic and cultural heritage, which can be consulted on the project website, created by the public-private partnership of Tecnosoft SRL, System Project SRL, Tinada SRL, CNR – Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione, Università degli Studi di Foggia – Dipartimento di Economia, with the collaboration of the Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa and Direzione regionale Musei Puglia.

Along with the virtual tour of the Museum, containing 3D models of some of its most significant finds, ITC-CNR also develops the multimedia map of the places of culture belonging to the Direzione regionale Musei Puglia – the presentation video can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the Direzione regionale Musei Puglia, at the link:

ITC-CNR sede di Bari

Via Paolo Lembo 38/B – 70125 Bari

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April 10, 2020 in News

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