PICKFIBER (Platform for International Collaborative Knowledge on Food Improvement, Based on Ecological Resources) approved within the miniprogramme “Innovation4Welfare”, funded under the Community Programme INTERREG IVC, aims at implementing an international platform of experts in data development – test and – management within the creation of food compounds focused on tackling with obesity problems and diseases. We defined the structure of the knowledge base, aim of the project, in order to determine the health status of a person, even with reference to the effects of healthy foods and ingredients. The knowledge basis acts as a support tool to help doctors with the management of the living lab, in order to assess and and monitor the effects of new foods. Its possible evolution concerns the extension to applications that help people with self-assessment, at home, with proper instruments, of the health status related to physical activity and diet.  http://www.innovation4welfare.eu/306/subprojects/pickfiber.html