- External full-scale test chamber, to evaluate acoustic performances of roof coverings and pitches (UNI EN ISO 140-5). Thanks to this special equipment (the only one in Italy and one of the few in Europe) it is possible to understand more accurately the behaviour of a technical element which could not be characterised only with traditional laboratory methods;
- Coupled test chambers to measure the sound reduction index of various envelope elements, internal partitions, windows and doors and the sound insulation of small building components. (UNI EN ISO 10140 e UNI EN ISO 717);
- Reverberation chamber to measure the sound absorption (UNI EN ISO 354 e UNI EN 11654) and the noise of small components of plants. (ISO 37 41);
- Full-scale experimental building created to evaluate the degree of uncertainty while measuring in situ the soundproofing and the impact sound (UNI EN ISO parti 4,5,7,14).
Acoustics LAB
The laboratory activities are mainly oriented to assess acoustic performances of buildings and building components. Following the definition and publication of the legal requirements (DPCM 5/12/97) and of the standard for voluntary classification of the acoustic aspects of residential buildings (UNI 11367 and UNI 11444) the whole building sector has allocated additional resources to better tailor design tools, materials, products, technologies and testing methods to the expectations of high acoustic performances of buildings. The laboratory carries out research activities at both international and national level.