Innovative materials or traditional materials used in innovative ways and new technological solutions
This area encompasses and summarizes the technological features of ITC (as well as the characteristics of its European and international counterparts with which it cooperates and competes to obtain research funding) with specific reference to the industrial and business sector of building and construction.
The role of ITC is to implement a knowledge-based problem-solving action, with a multi-disciplinary approach, as a key condition to effectively support Research and Development both in the sector’s industry on a large-scale(able to collaborate in terms of scientific expertise related to innovation), and in the SMES – Small and Medium Sized Enterprises – (which, on the contrary, raise issues and growth factors that cannot be directly managed and thoroughly steered by such enterprises).
The actions carried out and the results obtained in this area do not only lead to scientific publications, but also implement – by means of direct knowledge-transfer mechanisms – technological solutions, which can directly affect the growth of the sector, without having fully acknowledged impacts (as opposed to similar European contexts) within the framework of an Institution that is facing difficulties in acknowledging the contribution of the technological-scientific area, rather than traditional indicators which can be fully applied to the scientific disciplinary area.
Building technologies LAB