heat chamber with guard ring built in accordance with the technical standard UNI EN ISO 8990:1999 to measure the thermal transmittance of complex items, such as: multulayer components, front sides, windows and doors profiles (UNI EN ISO 12567, EN 12412-2);
- hotplate with maintaining ring and heat flow meter to measure the thermal conductivity and the thermal resistance of both complex and simple building materials (ASTM C518, ISO 8301, ISO 8302, UNI EN 12667, UNI EN 12664, UNI EN 12939, EN1946)
hygrothermal room for the aging process and to evaluate the performance of isolation systems, which can be applied to the external side of the building (reversed insulation), by carrying out thermal cycles hot-cold and hot-rain (ETAG 004)
ventilated stoves and climate rooms for the conditioning and the simulated aging process of building materials
computing tools, mathematical models, software to analyse thermal properties of stratigraphies and complex elements through 2D modelling based on the finite element method