P.A.T.H. 2018-2020
Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Greece- Italy (EL-IT) 2014-2020
Project Title: P.A.T.H. Promoting Area Attractiveness through Hiking and Introducing a Different Touristic Approach
Month 24. STarting date: 31/5/2018
- Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece, Al. Ypsilantou 114-116, 26222, Patra (Lead Beneficiary)
- Region of Western Greece, New N.R Patreon- Athinon 32, 26441 Patras
- Construction Technologies Institute- National Research Council of Italy
- Regional Nature Reserves of the Eastern Coast of Taranto
- Alta Murgia National Park
1) Reduce the seasonality in tourism demand through the valorisation of tourism products connected to the cultural and natural heritage
2) Strengthen environmentally friendly tourism through the promotion of cultural and environmental tourist products’ networks able to support tourist demand/supply
3) Ensure a better integration of the ICT into the tourism policies dealing with mountain & rural areas or Europe, in order to improve the effectiveness of regional and local policies
4) Promote a better use and integration of information and communication technologies to within the tourism regional agenda
5) Create a veritable learning framework, capable of transferring the existing partners’ knowledge to less advanced regions of the consortium, through dedicated thematic workshops and study visits;
6) Prove the sustainability and transferability of the projects shared among the partners through a light pilot action able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the selected measures to be reported in the final implementation plans of the partners
7) Introduce active tourism as a new professional profile in rural areas by transferring an innovative, job-related and technology-enhanced vocational training product with special focus upon:- active tourism for the disabled and seniors; – responsible green tourism.
8) Raise awareness amongst stakeholders in tourism and SME along touristic routes and other key actors.